Begin Again!

Begin Again!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Two days.

That's counting today and tomorrow.
So more like.
The rest of today, tomorrow, and I'm leaving at 4:30 a.m. on Thursday, so Wednesday night.
Do you know how much time that is?
None at all.
Never has one week gone by so quickly in my life.
My room has slowly emptied.
My tears come more often, especially after the wonderful surprise going away party that I received.
This is my home. And my year is coming full circle.
Its amazing to finally see some of the results from my year.
My German, myself, my family, my everything.
I've grown.
I've accomplished what I set out to do.
Plus more.

Its amazing what one person can do with a little courage and a few supportive family members.

Its incredible what one person can do when they believe in themselves.

As the last 40 hours tick by on this strange sped up clock in this strange dream called Germany, I can't stop thinking about....well everything. This past year, the next years in front of me, what family means, who family is, my friends here and at home, teachers, dogs, the weather.

My packing situation is finally under control after a week of sorting through things.
I sent a package home last week full of books.
And a package today full of shoes and bags.
Now I have one, very full, checked suitcase which is filled with coats, candy, socks, and my bathroom stuff.
And my carry on back pack with all my clothes plus my laptop.
And then my hand bag, which consists of pictures, sudoku, and all sorts of small things that I may need.

Heres how June 20th looks so far, if anyone is too interested.

I will be leaving my house at 4:30 in the morning to arrive at the Hamburg airport at 5 a.m. to get ready for my flight at 6:00 a.m. that takes me to Frankfurt.
At 7:15 I'm at Frankfurt and have to get my stuff together for my flight at 9:50 a.m.
And arrive in Washington D.C. at 12:45 in the afternoon.

After that, I get to wait until 7:05 p.m. until my flight to Minneapolis! Woo! Seven hours cool wow so awesome, thats cool.
And then when I get to Minneapolis at 8:40, I get to flight to Boise at 9:55, whichs means I'll go back two more hours, and be in Boise at midnight Mountain time.
So lets think about this.
If we count all the time in Mountain time, I'll be leaving at 8:30 p.m. from my house on Wednesday and arriving in Boise at midnight Thursday night.
That means I'll be abroad FOR OHMYGOODNESS 28 HOURS.
Blah blah blah.

My feelings are all over the place and I don't know how to feel anymore.

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