Begin Again!

Begin Again!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

I'm Back!!!

I am back in Wedel! For those of you who need to be caught up, welcome to my new/old blog! Besides creating a new one to keep everyone updated, I figured that just using my old blog from my exchange year would be easiest.
So! Here I am! After a very stressful flight, I finally arrived in Germany on Thursday afternoon to be greeted by the Kless's! I almost thought that I wouldn't make it here thank you to ridiculous ladies at airline checkins who tell you that you will be sent home or forced to buy a return ticket when you get to immigrations (what an awesome beginning to my journey right!?!?) But alas, she was just a ridiculous checkin lady, and the immigration people in Iceland didn't even look at me while they stamped my passport.
And then my bag with all my clothes in it was left in Iceland... awesome again. But thanks to the wonderful people at the Hamburg Airport, it arrived to me last night in tip top condition.
As of five minutes ago I am all unpacked and settled in.
This time around, it was much easier knowing how to pack and what to bring with me. This time I brought rainboots, more scarfs, and a wider variety of long sleeved shirts so I don't wear the same thing every time its below freezing outside. I also brought Reese's Peanut Butter Cups for the German family (a delicacy) and my trusty neti pot because I just got a sinus infection! Woo!
First thing about Germany that kind of freaked me out is that THE SPIDERS GOT SO HUGE. JUST YOU WAIT TILL I POST SOME PICTURES BECAUSE THOSE MOMMAS ARE GIGANTIC. I thought it was bad in the basement I was living in in the North End! Nooooo way! This is much worse. These are like two inches long spiders and its not fun.
Today was fun though! I got to eat breakfast with the fam which is something I missed dearly, spent three hours on the beach in beautiful weather with my family and neighbors, and then had an incredible four course meal with new family friends.
All in all, a bumpy ride here, but a wonderful start to my next block of life in Germany. I'll get around to posting pictures and feel free to leave comments and ask questions!

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