Begin Again!

Begin Again!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

How C.S. Lewis foretold my entire life...

I don't know how many of you have read or seen Prince Caspian, the second movie (third book) to the Chronicles of Narnia series, but I watched it this evening with my daddyman and toddy mcmudock (my host brother and host dad). I've seen this movie many times, but this time was different. This time, cuddled up with my boys, hanging on to every last word and action in the movie, I saw something entirely different in the end of the film.

First off, here's a quick picture to refresh or at least put a picture in everyone's head.

Now listen to the song that starts to play.
Check that out on youtube here please. Keep reading and listening bitte.

Peter tells his siblings that their time is up and its time for them to go home. Him and Susan learned everything they could in Narnia, and now was the time to finally begin a real life in the real world.
You can see through the two movies how Peter and his siblings all change and they desperately want to stay in Narnia because its their home...

I wish I could stay in Germany right now. Its my home, its what I'm so very comfortable with now. My life in Boise seems so far different...
But I've learned a lot here. More about myself, about family, and about loving...
I'm going to miss it here dearly...and I'm going to miss my family a lot.
And maybe I'm Queen Torey the Sensitive in Germany.
And at home I'm just a 18 year old girl who doesn't know what comes next.
But thats okay.
And this is how it is.

"I'll come back when you call me"
No need to say goodbye"

I'm ready for my life in Boise.
I may show up in the Boise airport, sword in hand, and shout "FOR ASLANNNN"
And then get in trouble with security.
But that's okay.
Its the way it shall be.
I had a gorgeous weekend. I'm looking towards a gorgeous week in Berlin.

 My Linda <3
 <3 <3 <3

I feel like I've stepped into another world. And when I get back to Boise, no one will believe me that its a real place, and I won't get back the same way I first got here.

C.S. Lewis wove a beautiful story that I feel much too connected to to even be true.

I love everyone.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can't wait for you to come back to us in Boise Tortor!
