Begin Again!

Begin Again!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


So! Yesterday was indeed a fantastic day :)
I had a fabulous birthday, was blessed with many good wishes and songs and hugs and cookies and cakes, it was super awesome. If you are ever turn 18...turn 18 in Germany! I would highly recommend it to anyone. Seriously, I'm so glad I was able to spend such a monumental birthday with the Kless's, it really was magical for me :)

Now that I'm 18, I have suddenly earned a lot of rights. Facebook notified me of the most important changes to adulthood.
Not even a happy birthday wish, just a little present icon...
Next important thing is that I can buy lottery tickets. Woo, I have definitely been waiting all my life to do that.
Here in Germany, I can now buy cigarettes and alcohol, which is a bit different from the regular 21 (but German kids are aloud to buy beer at age 16 so its no big whoop)
Next off, I can go to strip clubs and any other type of club/disco/you name it! Woo! Another thing I've been waiting my whole life to do (not really......)
But that big 18 just feels....big. I feel like I've aged 5 years or something. Suddenly I have all these rights and responsibilities and my parents technically don't have to support me anymore and sadkf;js;dklfj;dslkjf;kldsf what is the next step!?
But, this is all for another day. I think I'll worry about growing up once I get back to Boise...

Another small thing/Germany difference I was thinking about today is distance. Germany is a bit small (about the size of Montana) and traveling to the other side of the country takes about 6-9 hours. Six to nine hours get me from Boise to the Oregon Coast or to Portland, where things are not really that different, but traveling from Northern Germany to Southern Germany is like going from Idaho to the deep South.
I was talking to a friend today and was telling him how it usually takes 10-20 minutes by car to get to a friends house. He was shocked, and it made me giggle. That's "far away" in a German mind set, but it me, I have friends that it takes like half an hour to get to their house. Here, all the cities are so close, sewn together by small strips of farmland. Getting to a friends house is usually just a 5-15 minute bike ride rather than actually needing to get in a car...

Annndd last but not least, its almost Christmas!!!! I already have gotten an awesome Advents Calendar from my host mom (oooh I'm so excited) and am going to celebrate the 6th of December Saint Nicholas Day!

Lots of good wishes to back home and family and friends and my ever-awesome boyfriend. I miss you all! But really, I'll be back before you know it and I don't want the time here to pass any faster than it already is. I honestly cannot believe that I only have seven months left now.
And lots of big loves to all my family and friends here in Germany :)

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