Begin Again!

Begin Again!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

One Month in!

Once Thursday shows up tomorrow , I will have been here in Wedel for one month! Its incredible how fast time has passed but how it feels like time hasn't passed at all... Very surreal, but at the same time, its very wonderful. I'm so so so happy and thankful to be back in Germany. I am the happiest and healthiest I've ever been in my life, both mentally and physically, and strive to continue trekking through my life with this outgoing attitude.
One of the best surprises I got about a week after arriving is that remodeling my room was to become a top priority. The room in the basement is the one I lived in last time I was here and it was about due time to clean it out and fix it up. Thanks to the wonderful family and friends that I have, my room has transformed into a glorious, spacious place that I love being in with the fluffiest carpet ever! I really can't thank everyone enough who helped make my new room possible.
A few German words that I learned through repetition whilst helping remodel my room are Staubig (dusty), Tapete (wallpaper), and Flauschig (fluffy). Tapete is a word that I struggled with because it sounds a lot like Teppich (carpet) and there was constant discussion with those two both in the sentences and it got quite confusing...
I'm slowing picking up my German speaking skills again.... slowly. Thanks to this last year in German 4, understanding and reading German has become no problem at all. My vocabulary expands every day and the most important thing to do is ask what something means! I still make newbie mistakes, but repetition has been good to me lately. Speaking is still taking a little bit due to being very self conscious about my American accent and the challenge of putting sentences together, but I will get there.
As of now, I have a few babysitting jobs set up that will run parallel with a German bootcamp course that starts in two weeks. I'm exciting to be in school for something at least, because I can't really study officially until my three month tourist visa is up, so this course should buy me some time in my weeks to come.
Besides remodeling and being with all my friends and family, I've picked up running and reading to fill in empty spaces in my days. Running has been good to me (no matter how much I hate it) and I just finished The Silence of the Lambs the other night, which was fabulous.
I miss Boise, but there's a strong feeling in my heart that tells me moving back to Germany was the right thing to do. I doubt I'll ever live in Boise again. Of course I will visit, but life feels a lot bigger than Idaho right now and that feels good. Someone asked me the other day when I planned on moving back to Boise and I really couldn't give her an answer. In fact, the question threw me off. I haven't really thought ahead of studying here... I guess we shall just have to see!

Now for a few pictures!!! On the next post because I can't seem to figure out how to put them on the same post!!! yay!!!

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