Begin Again!

Begin Again!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

If you ever wish to be an exchange student...

These are things that I wish I knew before I made my decision. (best decision of my life though) :D
1. If you have huge issues with leaving home, go on a six month exchange. It will go by quick, but you'll be able to fit a lot in and not worry to much about school, relationships, your family (both families) in such a long term way. If you want a challenge, if you want to cure your home sickness problem, go for a year. Its tough, lots of heart ache and tears, but very very very very worth it.
2. You will eat more. Be prepared to gain a bit of weight. Not only will the food be better in whatever country you're going to, but out of instinctive ways, your body will deal with the change by thinking that you're going to die soon and wish to stalk up on fat to keep you warm and alive. Seriously, when you make a big change, such as moving to a new country, your body freaks out because it knows. Your hair and nails grow faster, you gain weight easily, and your sleep will be messed up for awhile. Just be on the look out. Plus, its a GREAT time to start working out. I've been running (what torey runs, i didnt even know her legs were long enough to do such things) when I can, and its been amazing.
3. Don't let the language barriers stop you from going on an exchange. I had two years of German before I came here, and as strange as it sounds, it seemed to have disappeared the second I got here. It felt like the reset button had been hit and I had to start over with knowing nothing. But no worries! It gets better, and after hearing the language for so long, it simply starts to click. But, if you are uncomfortable with not knowing what people are saying about you all the time, chose a English country. (Australia, New Zealand.... I hear UK exchanges are hard to get though)
And if you go to Germany not knowing any German, its nice because almost everyone around you speaks decent English and will be willing to help you.
4. School will be frustrating. Schools are different everywhere and will not always be as inviting as American schools are. Be prepared for a bit of time by yourself, and a lot of confusing lessons. Also, be aware that getting grades in a foreign country is a bit difficult and may not be worth it. Even if you can get credit for it, it'll be hard to keep your grades up. I'll for certain be returning to high school next year to finish up my credits.
5. Try to focus on being in the present as much as you possibly can. I find myself worrying a lot about what will happen when I get back to America and its time consuming and mentally time consuming as well! The best thing to do is enjoy your time as much as possible because it will be up before you know it!
(I have a hard time with this myself, but I'm getting there, small steps)

If you want to come to Germany, I seriously seriously recommend looking into this scholarship because its amazing and you (especially if you are in Idaho) have a huge chance of making it. A full ride, year long scholarship is hard to come by. Go for it!!!!

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