Begin Again!

Begin Again!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Month Mark (and school)

Four weeks ago today, I arrived in Wedel at the Kless's house. Since then, I have seen and heard and misunderstood many things. Its very surreal thinking about how its been a month. While it seems like a long time, its really flown by, but still in a slow like manner. I can't even describe to you how weird time passes by, maybe its just a German thing ;)
But I'm extremely happy, I feel very at home with the Kless's and I look very forward to the ten months ahead of us. 
Culture shock has set in oddly. It took me awhile to get used to being in public, the train system, and table manners, but I'm finally feeling a bit more integrated than before. 
Ten more months to go now! My set home date is June 20th for those of you who are curious, but we have all the time in the world to think about that. 

In terms of school!
I started school this week, and while frustrating and asldkfjas;ldfkjaw;co in the beginning, now that things have settled down a bit, I think I've got a hand on it. 
English class is a nice breath of fresh air :) My schedule is looking pretty good, and the only issue now is understanding everything else being said. 
Whoof. Its frustrating, but my brains aworkin' :)

In terms of the language!
Conversationally, I'm understanding almost everything. It's become a lot easier to string sentences together, and I have no trouble getting the gist of a conversation. 
Speaking wise, I am slowly inching my way towards improving. At first I was really shy to speak with natives, but now that school has started, I've been speaking more. I think by the end of these next few months, I'll be conversationally fluent. 
School wise, I'm having a harder time understanding whats being said because there are many words that I simply don't know due to the context of the class. Hopefully, this will start to becoming easier, but until then, I'll sit through and try my best. 

Greeting to all y'all in Idaho :) I miss you! Hope the school year got off to a good start! 
And again, many billions of happy thank-you's to my family and Armin and Julie :)

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