Since I don't post regularly, there's quite a lot that I have to cover. First and foremost, exactly three years ago was when I moved to Germany the first time! Here's a cute picture to remind you all of how innocent I was at 17!
Young, innocent, naïve, and freshly shoved into the world of actually having to talk to strangers to get through airports! Ah yes, I remember the days so well...
But anyways, moving on to what two years ago was! That was me starting my super senior year at Boise High School!
What an eternity ago! I had just started working at KASP and what stoked about my half day schedules at Boise High! And now let's fast forward about one more year (last year).
Ah geez, and I'm still asking myself why I cut all my mermaid hair off and why I didn't steal that teacup pig cuz that thing was stankin cute! Anyways, about a month after this photo was taken I moved to Germany for the second time and schwoop, here I am, 11 months later. (Photo for reference)
Taken at the southernmost part of Denmark about a month ago, my hair longer and blonder (thank goodness), I'm excited to tell you all that I've overcome many obstacles in the last year and I will finally start my studies on Friday. I cannot even begin to describe in human words (no matter German or English) how excited I am to start studying. I will do one year at the Studienkolleg Hamburg and start next year studying Lerhamt to become a teacher at the University of Hamburg. I have a long road ahead of me, but I'm more than ready to face it head on!
So! On with what you all have missed this past summer!
OK so before I start, where the heck did summer go?! I was lucky enough to go on two trips with the Leibniz School and one amazing vacation with my host family. The first trip was at the end of June to England! And it was awesome! I got to tromp around southern England with 44 4th graders behind me and see all sorts of cool sights, castles, and hear my (almost) native tongue once again.
We had a very long bus ride with a ferry in-between before us (14 hours) and of course I grabbed my first Starbucks coffee in months (yes we have Starbucks in Germany but no I hardly ever make it to Hamburg to get it) but what they did have in England that I missed dearly was Reese's peanut butter cups!! (I boguht some for me and the fam right away because who can resist that peanut buttery American goodness)Our first stop was Canterbury Cathedral! Very large, very quiet inside, and lots to see! Due to low camera battery and the want to actually take the history in, I didn't take many pictures... But it's all in my heart so that's what counts...?! :-)
My name was all over the country and I tried my best to jump into as many pictures as possible with them!
This was just a rad picture on our way to Dover Castle! In a perfect world, there would be a picture of Dover Castle right under these words but uploading pictures is sometimes problematic so just imagine a really gigantic Castle on the coast!
Inside the castle!
On top of the castle!
And with 44 4th graders, we hiked the few kilometers along the White Cliffs of Dover which is something I would recommend to anyone and everyone!
Here's my brother Tom and I after coming out of a Smugglers Cave from the time of pirates and high taxes!
And then London!! London was everything I wanted it to be but unfortunately we only had 8 hours to walk around the city before our bus took us back home. I will definitely be back to take a few days to see everything next time :)
And then the school year was up and I had to say goodbye to all the students I made such good friends with! The elementary had a small event for the last day and I was lucky to get my own chair to watch!
And onto Denmark! I unfortunately can't upload every picture from the two weeks, but here are some of my favorites!
Danish is the number one strangest language I have ever heard.
And that concludes the three amazing trips from my summer 2015! Thanks to all who were apart of them!
And now with school starting, I just want to put out a huge thanks to all the teachers I've had in my life who have gotten me here! You are all the ones who have inspired me to become a teacher and I thank you all!
Alrighty my friends, I can't promise when the next blog post shall be, but here's to the new school year and to starting college!!!
Kisses and hugs and viel Glück to all my friends who are also starting the new school year!
Oh! I'm so happy for you! It seems so dreamlike! I can't wait for my adventures to start once I graduate at with my teaching degree! I decided to join the peace corp once I finish! You are so brave! Im glad you found your place on that side of the world!