Begin Again!

Begin Again!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


This will be a short blog post.
So I have this reoccurring problem here in Germany when I'm alone at home.
The thing about the doors here, is that you have to have a key to get into the front door, its constantly locked. There is no other way to open the door from the outside without a key.
I'm still not used to this.
Today I had the day off and was spending the morning in my yoga pants and belly shirt, cleaning, listening to music, doing bits of yoga, and singing to myself. I was taking the garbage and empty bottles outside, having a good old time, when I came back up to the door to find myself locked out.
This isn't the first time its happened.
Now, I could have gone to my neighbors house, but its his birthday today and I knew he was at breakfast. There I was, no shoes on, no jacket, and looking like I had just gotten out of bed (because I literally had).
I checked the back door just in case I had left it open, but alas, I had not. My dog confusingly stared at me as I went from one end of the house to the other, trying to decide what to do.
From inside the shed, I uncovered an old running jacket of my host dad's, which served the purpose of being warm, put on some of my host mom's shoes which are a little too big, and rode my bike to my mom's work (which is like a five minute bike ride).
I walked into the office, too big of coat and shoes on, no makeup and my hair unbrushed, asking for Katja Kless.
The secretary already knows me because this has happened two times already. I think she could tell I was super embarrassed.
I got the key, a hug, and a laugh from my mom, and biked home.
I left the back door open for the rest of the day just in case.
Thank goodness my mom works so close to the house and that there were jackets outside, because I really didn't want to have to walk into the office in my belly shirt.

Silly German doors! :)

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