Begin Again!

Begin Again!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Because I can't sleep and its an important day.

The emotional blogger strikes again.
With a truly amazing Christmas behind me, now starts an awesome ski vacation in Austria! But before that can happen, I am being blessed with a sleepless night. Awesome. Getting up in four hours never sounded better.
In all seriousness, that was one of the most amazing Christmas's ever, certainly one I'll never forget. Its hard not to miss family during this time, so I called my grandmas up this evening and surprised them and it gave me the warm fuzzies inside :)
(We're just going to go through all the updates here in no particular order)
The 24th was not only Christmas, but also my boyfriend and I's one year anniversary! Woohoo! That was cool, I miss him so much!
Today (tomorrow?) The 27th was my Aunt Whitney's birthday. Its strange to think about how fast the time has passed since her passing... I miss her incredibly, but I'm thankful that all is good at home with her family and I can only hope for the best for them.

Everything here at the house is going well, we're all super ready for the much needed vacation. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that sleep deprivation and a bad cough won't keep me off the slopes (but honestly, what could keep me off the slopes.) I've missed mountains so much, it'll be so awesome being around that fresh air once again.

With my fifth month behind me, and six months ahead, Germany is now a completely normal place. My ears have gotten so used to the language, its strange being able to understand tv, but really cool at the same time.

Big awesome thanks to the Kless's for an amazing Christmas and an awesome opportunity! Thank you to my family back home for supporting me :)
And if anyone has nothing better to do with their time, send me a letter!!! I'll get one back to you!!!

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