Hello one and all who still find my blog interesting!
In just about one week, I will have been living in Germany for exactly six months! Thats half a year! Ohmygosh, if you ever want to find out just how fast time can fly, move abroad and stress yourself out unnecessarily!
The last two months have been deal breaker months for me. I had been so lazy since September that I got very sad about missing Boise and for a few days, really just wanted to give up on everything here. Throw my hands up in the air and tell BSU I actually do want to go to their school for tens of thousands of dollars a year.
Thankfully, I'm very fortunate and lucky to have two families who love and care for me....enough to also kick me in the butt a little bit. I had been very lazy... and after deciding to stay in Germany and work through the crap I got myself into, things started to look up. Not all at once, and certainly not without a lot of self-frustration and last minute pulling stuff togetherness.
Yet, today I feel the happiest I ever have with what I plan and am doing with my life.
Currently I'm starting a practical internship at a private bilingual school, which will turn into a paid internship in May. My first three days have gone amazingly, and being a student teacher is amazing.... I'm finally in the setting I want to be in, helping children, and having a great time watching and learning.
And today a very important acceptance letter came to me which will be a deciding factor on my entrance to the university for August, so things are slowly showing themselves to be worth it.
I'm happy.
Sure I miss Boise like hell... but for the first time in a very long time (or ever?) I feel like I belong. I'm not worried or stressed about my future or what may or may not happen. I'm happy with what is all going on around me, thankful for the stress, and thankful to be busy.
Most of all, I'm thankful for the people who are supporting me. I feel so blessed to be able to say I'm part of the Kless family, and proud to say that I'm a Tanner as well.
For the first time, I don't have to say "I don't know where I'm going but thats ok". I can actually say very proudly and happily that I do know where I'm going. My goals have been set in motion and even if plans change (which they will) I'm still ready for whatever comes at me next.
And now for some pictures!!!! I don't think I've posted pictures since my ski vacation! So we"ll start there!
These are all out of order but who cares!!! Here is me and my best friend/brother/the guy I spend the most time with, Tom Kless!!
Is it a weird color? Its not supposed to be........ but here's a great pic from skiing!
And New Years Eve! Only seems like yesterday, but here we are with March already....
New Years Ever in the bar with my main buds!
Of course, my favorite selfie of 2014
Austria was so gorgeous, I feel so lucky to have had the chance to go there a second time! The weather was great and the snow was awesome!
Katja and I being the cuties at the top of the world!!!
And the view from our apartment (which was right next to the ski lift as well, awesome)
The other day, a very wonderful mom who I babysit for brought me some Reese's!! It was amazing and made my day perfect.
A few weeks ago I got to go bouldering at a rad complex here in Hamburg. There was no harnesses or anything involved, everything was focused around bouldering, and it was super fun!!!
This picture says a lot that I can't tell with words or unfortunately other pictures. Last week was my last week volunteering as a practical intern at a bilingual day care here in Wedel. I was there for only two months, but I enjoyed those two months so much and I really felt at home with all the co-workers and children and on my last day they prepared some really special things for me! I will never forget my time there, and I hope all works out well with them!!
Okay, I end here now with the wise words of NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS because you can do iiiiiitttttt!!!!!!
*****hugs and kisses to everyone i miss and happy birthday mom and dad and ian!!!!*****